
Read about NK’s philosophy on business, leadership, innovation and much more!

December 17, 2020
family business

My Learnings from Running Family Business

My years in family business taught me unity, loyalty, love and innocence can create a huge impact on communities.
December 12, 2020
Inclusive leaders

Inclusivity and Inclusive Leadership is Essential

Inclusive leaders know their biases and are ready to change that. A passion for unlearning makes an inclusive leader unique.
December 7, 2020

Unlearning is Important to Business

Unlearning is not forgetting rather formulating one’s mind to step out of the existing world and create a new one.
December 2, 2020
Customer Service Guide

A Customer Service Guide to Business Leaders

Mediocrity will never be appreciated by the consumers. A Customer service guide has become a necessity to eradicate the most common mistakes.